Click Registracija button on the main menu and follow the steps.


Step 0. Registracija (Registration)

Choose Pravna osoba (Legal entity), and then click Dalje (Next).

Step 1. Osnovni podaci o tvrtci (Company information)

Enter the company's name. Use magnifier icon to select your country. When foreign country is selected it is not necessary to fill in company's identification number (OIB). Click Dalje (Next)..

Step 2. Adresa (Address)

Click on Nova (New) button.

In Tip adrese (Address type) column select Sjedište (Headquarters).

In Adresa column enter Headquarters' address.

In Poštanski broj column enter your Zip code.

In Mjesto column enter the city where company is located.

Click Prihvati, and then Spremi i dalje (Save and proceed to the next step).

Step 3. Pregled (Summary)

Verify if the entered information is correct and then click Spremi (Save).

Step 1. Osnovni podaci (User information)

Enter your first and last name.

It is not necessary to fill in your personal identification number (OIB).

Click Dalje (Next).

Step 2. E-pošta (E-mail)

Enter your e-mail address. Click Spremi i dalje (Save and proceed to the next step).

Step 3. Podaci za prijavu (Registration information)

Type desired Username (i.e. erciyas), Password, and then retype password (i.e. aJSLJo837jjj!!$%&a).

  • o Password length must be at least 8 characters.
  • o It must contain at least one numerical digit.
  • o It cannot start with your user name.

Click Spremi i dalje (Save and proceed to the next step).


Step 4. Opći uvjeti poslovanja (TOS)

Check Prihvaćam uvjete if you agree to our Terms of service, and click Spremi i dalje (Save and proceed to the next step).

Step 5. Pregled podataka (Summary)

Verify if the entered information is correct and then click Spremi (Save).

This completes your registration. Make sure you check your e-mail's inbox and click on the link ovdje (here) to verify your e-mail and activate your user account.

This is an example of an activation e-mail:


Primili smo Vaš zahtjev za registraciju. Da biste potvrdili svoju adresu e-pošte i aktivirali korisnički račun kliknite ovdje. (<- here is the link) 


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In some versions of Internet Explorer browser it is necessary to enable Automating prompting for file downloads option. (Quick guide: Tools -> Internet options -> Security -> Custom level… -> Downloads -> Automating prompting for file downloads -> Enable -> Ok -> Yes -> Ok).


Now Login by clicking on the Prijava at the top-left corner of our main page.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to submit a support ticket by clicking on SUPPORT.